Tuesday, September 22, 2015

CSA Newsletter ~ Week 15

Autumn officially arrives tomorrow and you can certainly feel it in the air! Toques have been back on the last few mornings and we are making sure the floating row covers are ready to protect our more sensitive crops as the nights get colder.

This weeks basket:
Sweet peppers
Sweet potatoes - Sweet Potato and Peanut Rosti You could swap the peanut butter out for any type of nut butter.
Cauliflower - We are hoping to have enough for everyone this week, if not it will be two broccoli as our second planting has caught up with our first! Which means we have lots of broccoli that needs harvesting! Spiced Cauliflower
Broccoli - Tandorri Broccoli or Broccoli Walnut Rarebit
Kale - Turksish Tahini Greens You could also add the Bekana to this as well.
Cabbage - This week it will be either Savoy, red or green cabbage. Brasied savoy Cabbage Warm red cabbage with walnuts and blue cheese. Hock and Cabbage
Beans - Summer beans with Basil
Asian Greens - This week it is looking like another round of Bekana.  You can stir fry this or use it as a warp or even eat raw in a salad. Chilli Soy Greens
Herbs - This week it will be Thai Basil, great in curries or pesto.  If you want to save the basil for winter pick the leaves off, place in the food processor with a little oil and blitz.  Then freeze in an ice cube tray.
Beets - Beetroot cake
Hot Peppers -As ever help yourself.  We do not include this in your box as not everyone enjoys heat.

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