Tuesday, September 15, 2015

CSA Newsletter ~ Week 14

Another hot and humid week but thankfully the weekend brought some much needed rain.
Last week we had our own back to school science assignment to complete for Grade 2/3 students at Queen Elizabeth P.S  Belleville.  They are looking at different soils so we selected four samples from our farm.  Two from the field and then two samples of the different certified organic potting soils we use for starting and potting up our seedlings.

This weeks vegetable basket:
Onions - These are not our long term storage onions but they will store for a while in a cool, dark spot.
Broccoli - How about a slow baked broccoli frittata.
brocco leaves and sweet potatoes
 Brocco Leaves - I think these are one of our new favourite vegetables! We used them in dishes where we would normally put chard or kale, they went into stir fry's and quiches as well as a few vegetable smoothies.
Sweet potatoes - These where dug on Monday so they are not cured.  They will still last for a while in a brown paper bag in a cool dark spot.  Don't put them in the fridge! Sweet potatoes can be roasted, boiled or fried.  We like to make a meat crust quiche but I also like the sound of this cassoulet.

meat crust quiche.
Lettuce - We had hoped to do lettuce every week but last week Mr Skunk thought he would help us with our turf grub problem which was really nice but sadly he dug up 100+ transplants of lettuce and tossed them aside!! 
We are reseeding just to see if we can get a few more for the end of the season and the Fall boxes.
Sweet peppers - Stuffed peppers.

Cauliflower - This was a surprise to see these ready for picking on Monday, must have been the rain!! Cauliflower Stilton soup.
Tomatillos - You can make a Mexican Salsa Verde with your tomatillos this week. I like to roast mine rather than boiling them.
Eggplant - Last week for these. 
Melons - We never thought we would make four weeks of melons but they held on!
Micro greens - micro greens in your box are not something that will sit in the fridge for long.  They are great to garnish a salad or a sandwich but do make sure you use them within the first few days of receiving them.
Cherry Tomatoes - Summer is trying to hold it will be a pint of cherry tomatoes for everyone this week!
Hot Peppers - Help yourself as usual!

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