Tuesday, July 5, 2016

CSA Newsletter ~ Week 4

We finally got around to unloading the last wagon of hay! 608 bales later thanks to our neighbours who cut, rake and bale our hay for us.  Next up will be second cut as long as we get enough rain!
Rain is still on our minds even though we did get to see some last week. The water table is still very very low for this time of year.  The Weather network report on the drought. Explains and shows how little rain this area has received this year.  So gentle rains dances again would be appreciated!

This weeks basket:
Chard - Spanish style swiss chard chickpeas.
Zucchini - Yes they are finally here!
Spring turnips - We have had issues with aphids this year so we have taken the leaves off as the root themselves are still really tasty.
Te You Flowering broccoli/Chinese broccoli - This is a new one for us to grow.  We did start off growing broccoli raab or rapini this spring, it was meant to take 45 days to grow but thanks to the early heat it grew in 25 and then bolted, so our bees had a really good feast on the flowers and then the pigs enjoyed the rest of it.  We will be seeding the rapini again in the Fall.
Escarole - Is stunning and we introduced it to the boxes last year.  This week it is replacing lettuce as again due to the heat the lettuce has bolted.  Escarole can be eaten raw and it is really nice covered in oil and grilled on the BBQ.  We then chopped it up and added turnips, raw beets and kohlrabi and finished with olive oil and a fig balsamic dressing.

Scapes -If you want to preserve these for winter then just chop up and place in a food processor, add oil and blitz then freeze in ice cube trays.
Chinese/Napa Cabbage -We love Chinese cabbage in salads, kimchi but by far when grilled on the BBQ the same as the escarole.  Then cover with the following dressing! YUM!
Cut the cabbage in half and then quarters.  Brush lightly with olive oil.  For the glaze you will need 3 tbsp of mustard (we used Dijon) 1 tbsp of honey, 1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, 2 garlic cloves chopped and 2 tbsp of chopped basil.  Mix the glaze ingredients all together.  Place your cabbage quarters on a hot grill/BBQ cook for 5-7 minutes on each side, all depends on how charred you like it.  Remove cabbage from the grill brush with the glaze and Enjoy!
Beets - Why not try beets as a dessert we will be making Beet Halwa this week! We recommend replacing the sugar with honey.

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