Tuesday, June 21, 2016

CSA Newsletter ~ Week 2

After the storm!
Sorry, everyone for the delay with the newsletter. We had to re write it after last nights storm and then we had no power for most of today!

The official first day of summer arrived at 6pm last night and it really did arrive with a bang! Holy Moley that was one big storm, well actually one big storm with three little ones to follow up for good measure!
As ever we do enjoy the rain, the hail not so much! In the first 20 minutes of the storm we received over half an inch of rain  and then in an hour and a half the final reading on the rain gauge was over an inch!
 We did get stuck in the middle of the field during the storm as we had to roll down the sides on the greenhouse and hoop houses along with getting the goats back into their houses!
Most of the plants looked thankful for the rain even if they are now covered in a thick layer of soil, we did lose a few plants to the storm and the lettuce and spinach have a few holes in it thanks to the hail!
We have to say a HUGE THANK YOU to our CSA members who posted updates to Facebook, offered generators so we could run a heat source for our baby turkeys tonight and to one of our members who arrived with two very large cups of coffee first thing this morning when she found out we had no power and Michael was boiling the kettle on the BBQ!

This weeks basket:
Spring Turnips - The turnips can be eaten raw or cooked but the tops can also be eaten too.  This following recipe you can replace the collars with any type of greens from swiss chard, kale to turnips leaves.  Crisp-sweet greens
Garlic Scapes - Scape season is here, enjoy it while it lasts! 7 different ways to eat scapes!
Pac Choy
Lettuce - After last nights storm you might find some hail holes in your lettuce!
Salad Onions
Mustard Greens - Mustard greens make great pesto.  Spicy mustard green pesto
Snap Peas or Micro Greens - Peas have been really slow for us this year.  The second seeding is looking more impressive than the first.  If we do not yield enough peas for all three pick ups then you will be receiving micro greens instead.
Kohlrabi - Reposting this video from last year by Riverford Farms it is a great resource on what you can do with Kohlrabi.  Kohlrabi is great eaten raw in salads or dips and don't forget to use the leaves.

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