Monday, November 9, 2015

FALL CSA Newsletter ~ Week 2

I think we can all say last week's Indian Summer was lovely. It was so nice to be able to put a t-shirt back on and take the beanie off for a few days!  We had a heavy frost last night but all the tender greens and sweet turnips are still looking really good under the floating row covers.
Field clearing and storing of root vegetables continues and the pigs are loving all the trimmings that they are getting.
Thank you to several of our CSA members who arrived at the farm with their pumpkins from Halloween.  The pigs loved the sweet treat.  If anyone else has pumpkins on their doorstep the pigs would be more than happy to take them off your hands! 

This weeks vegetable basket:
Sweet potatoes
Pac choy - Steamed Pac Choy
Pac Choy with chicken broth
Carrots - Carrots with garlic
Alpine Daikon radish
Hakurei Turnips
Kalettes - We love seeing everyone get so excited about the kalettes so they are back again this week!
Kohlrabi - Braised carrots and kohlrabi
Chinese cabbage - You can use your Chinese cabbage or pac choy for this recipe Chicken with chinese leaves
Braising greens - The braising green mix has a medley of kales, collards, choys and mustard greens.  You can eat these raw, sauteed or braised.
Escarole - If you head back to the Week 20 CSA Newsletter you will find more recipes for Escarole. Escarole and Bacon!

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