Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CSA Newsletter ~ Week 20

So here we are at week 20 and the last week of the Summer CSA 2014.  This has been our largest CSA since we started, both in length of season and also the amount of families we have fed, since we started our CSA in 2010 (we spent our first year in 2009 just focusing on learning how to grow and attending a farmers market).  What can we say but a huge thank you from us to all our members for their support this year.  We hope you have enjoyed this years CSA as much as we have growing all the vegetables for you.
Once again a huge thank you from us to you for your support this year and choosing to keep your food local this season.

Please do take the time to fill our your survey that we sent out with your e-mail at the weekend. The survey also includes a summation of the growing year which is not in the e-mail.

We have already had several members ask about next years CSA.  Registration will open again at the beginning of December. 

Are your two farmers putting their feet up now the season is over? No! As of next week we start our Fall boxes for four weeks, this is our first year running these boxes so we are looking forward  to expanding on these over the coming years.  Then in December, we hope, if all stores and grows well to start offering our bulk vegetables boxes.

This weeks baskets:
Napa Cabbage - Have found an amazing list of lots of different recipes you can try with your napa/Chinese cabbage.
Beets - This week everyone gets a bag of beets.  We are in the middle of bringing crops in from the field so it was easier for us this week to just bag your beets.  We have put holes in the bag but you should still store them in the fridge.  Why not try a heart beet soup.
Radicchio - Does have a bitter taste to it.  We grow a variety called sugar loaf which we have found is not as bitter as the red radicchio.  Radicchio can be eaten raw in salads, grilled on the BBQ and then cut into chunks to create a warm salad adding feta cheese, mushrooms etc to the mix, shredded into stir fry or even made into a radicchio and mushroom frittata or added to risotto
Swiss Chard or Kale  - is another one of those greens that most people have a bit of a love hate relationship with.  We have found some tasty recipes for a chard and onion tart and chickpeas with swiss chard and carrots
Watermelon Radish
Golden Turnips - This is a great soup recipe which uses root vegetables.  So you could use a mixture of turnips and carrots.
Butternut Squash - We have managed to get enough together for the last week, after we had a small visit from a rat over night who has chosen to have a good gnaw through some of our squash that we had on the tables in the greenhouse! Something totally different to do with your butternut squash squashage Paella
Parsley - Great added to winter stews or you can just place into a Ziploc bag and freeze until you need it.
Spinach - Please remember we have not washed the spinach as it does store better.

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