Monday, June 22, 2015

CSA Newsletter ~ Week 2

It was a great week last week catching up on all the news from our returning members and meeting all our new members.  We look forward to catching up this week with our week 2 half share members.

At this stage it is a bit of a juggling act between, transplanting, weeding, seeding and harvesting and of course the weeds are huge after all the rain we have had.   We are now waiting for a gap in the rain so that our neighbours can start cutting our hay! We have everything crossed that it will be this week!

Some other great resources for recipes.
I really like the Well Fed cook books by Melissa Joulwan
One of our members also recommended the following website. Yummly

This weeks basket:
Scapes -
Salad Onions - Never sure what to call these! In England we call them Spring onions, in North America it seems to be green onions or bunching onions!  These can be tossed into salads, or cooked as a replacement to onions.
Spring Turnips

Chinese/Napa Cabbage
Chinese/Napa Cabbage - Is an amazing vegetable and can be cooked in so many ways.  You can use it in coleslaws, make rolls with it, kimchi, roast it or even grill it on the BBQ.
We roasted ours this week on the BBQ and finished with a mustard glaze.
Cut the cabbage in half and then quarter.  Brush lightly with olive oil.  For the glaze you will need 3 tbsp of mustard (we used Dijon) 1 tbsp of honey, 1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, 2 garlic cloves chopped and 2 tbsp of chopped basil.  Mix the glaze ingredients all together.  Place your cabbage quarters on a hot grill/BBQ cook for 5-7 minutes on each side all depends on how charred you like it.  Remove cabbage from the grill brush with the glaze and Enjoy!
Lettuce - Why not try cooking your lettuce in these tartlettes
Kohlrabi -We kept insect netting on the kohlrabi this spring and the leaves are amazing so do not forget to add these to salad or a stir fry.  We have attached the Riverford Farms video on how to use Kohlrabi.  We just love it raw grated into salad.


Kale - Found a great recipe for Kale Pesto
Chard - You can always use your chard to make this secret greens tabbouleh recipe.
Radish - Not everyone loves radish raw but roasted they become sweet and juicy and are amazing as a side or tossed into a salad!

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